Smiting Serpents: Battle Strategies for Catholic Women On-Demand Video Series with Fr. Jose Francisco Syquia, Johnnette Williams, Kathleen Beckman, Adam Blai, and Susan Brinkmann, OCDS

SKU: OD1003


This is a 9-part On-Demand video series. After purchase you will receive an email with the access code and instructions to add this series to your On-Demand Study and Video Account.Video Account. (Videos are included in the monthly Women of Grace Exclusive Paid Membership.)

Struggling in your daily life? Besot with problems in your family? Facing a serious, potentially life-changing circumstance? Plagued by boredom, dissatisfaction, or interior fatigue? Indeed, life on earth IS a warfare and a spiritual battle rages all around us. Though the victory has been won through Jesus Christ, the serpent still roams the garden seeking whom he may devour. What can we do? How do we experience the liberation that comes through Jesus’ salvific act?  In This On-Demand Video Series, you will discover: • The nature of the battle • How to detect the tactics of the Devil • How to protect our families from the Devil’s strategies • The remedies Holy Mother Church provides for spiritual problems and how to access them including deliverance and exorcism • The role the Blessed Mother plays in smiting the head of the Serpent • How we can be Serpent Smiters through her tutelage • What equips Catholic women to be a mighty weapon against the powers of darkness