Unlock the power of confirmation! This book has proven to be a key component in getting people of all ages excited about the true meaning of confirmation as knighthood in the kingdom of God. Backed by sacred scripture, the Catechism, and the writings of the Church Fathers, Called to Knighthood: The Sacrament of Confirmation in the Kingdom Family of God is sure to re-ignite interest in what it means to be a soldier of Christ in God's kingdom on earth and how confirmation accomplishes that.
Written by Women of Grace's own Thomas K. Sullivan, this is an excellent tool of evangelization for both your family and your friends. Get your copy now and begin to raise up and strengthen the soldier of Christ in your life! Plus this makes the perfect Confirmation gift!
"Tom Sullivan writes like a drill instructor preparing recruits to fight and win the battles of everyday life, and to engage in the spiritual warfare that makes us saints. Here is an inspiring summary of 2000 years of basic training from Scripture, the early Fathers, and the Church's official teaching." -Dr. Scott Hahn
"Finally, a book that unlocks the power of confirmation in a practical, life-transforming way! In an era when confirmation is not well-understood by many Catholics, Called to Knighthood is an excellent resource for parents, priests, and catechists who want to make this sacrament come powerfully alive for young people and adults preparing to be confirmed..." -Dr. Edward Sri