Healed for Holiness - A 7-Part On-Demand Video Series with Fr. Ken Geraci and Johnnette B Williams

SKU: OD1001


This is a 7-part On-Demand video series. After purchase you will receive an email with the access code and instructions to add this series to your On-Demand Study and Video Account. (Videos are included in the monthly Women of Grace Exclusive Paid Membership.)

"...daughter, your faith has saved you, go in peace." The story in the Gospel of Luke about the hemorrhaging woman, afflicted for twelve years, unable to be cured by anyone, ends in her total healing after she reaches out to touch Jesus' garment! Her bleeding stopped immediately. The woman's faith in Jesus is so strong and evident by her action. She trusted that if she could get close enough to touch only His garment, her physical ailment would be healed through His power. We too need to seek Jesus with that same expectant faith, in total trust and surrender, for healing the emotional and psychological wounds of our hearts, knowing that through Him ALL things are possible.