With God Alone

SKU: B1709


Catholic prayer has an identity crisis. In the modern quest for "spirituality" rather than religion, non-Christian Eastern forms of prayer are all the rage. They're being promoted as rare and exotic while Christian prayer is presented as dull and old-fashioned.
Nothing could be further from the truth and this simple little book explains why. Authentic Catholic prayer is a supernatural adventure, a lifelong journey into the very heart of God, a journey that was meant for everyone. Originally published as Lord Teach Us to Pray, this expanded edition by Susan Brinkmann OCDS brings together a wealth of knowledge on the subject of Catholic prayer - from vocal prayer to infused contemplation - from the great mystical doctors and spiritual masters of our Church. Presented in easy-to-understand language, the reader will quickly learn that growth in prayer is not limited to the chosen few. Anyone who is open to love can go the distance in prayer!

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